Dead space 1 fov
Dead space 1 fov

I may have to go back and check it out in 3D for some real scares lol. Zurvv's posts have me intrigued though about the difference in smoothness, I never really found the game demanding at all, but with GTX 480's may have to turn on some hybrid supersampling modes. I really liked a lot of the design elements in the game, like the menus and overall art direction and production values are excellent as well. Its very cinematic and while the pace of action is slower compared to other 3rd person type games, it really adds to the atmosphere as there could be a scare just around the corner. You really feel like you're alone on a massive haunted space ship, kinda reminded me of Event Horizon with Laurence Fishburne. Its truly a survival horror more like the original RE games, nothing like RE5 though.

dead space 1 fov

Well worth it, if I knew I'd enjoy it that much I would've bought it sooner. I know for awhile there were some issues with ATI cards because forcing Vsync via CCC didn't work for Dead Space.īut ya I really liked this game, I had it on my to play list for almost a year but never got around to it, then finally bit when it was like $10 on Steam this past holiday sale. Ya the fix was always to disable Vsync in-game and force Vsync via NVCP or nHancer to get rid of the floaty controls and screen tearing. Very cool game, though, and I really hope DS2 hits the PC - I tried the PS3 demo and just don't like using the controller.) (Then I had to turn on Vsync through nHancer because it was tearing up something fierce.

dead space 1 fov

I know some people thought the mouse was a little "floaty" on the PC, but if you turned off Vsync in the game, that cleared it right up.

Dead space 1 fov